phpMv -UI toolkit 2.4.12
jQuery, jQuery UI, Twitter Bootstrap and Semantic-UI library for php & php MVC Frameworks
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2namespace Ajax\common\traits;
16 protected $ajaxTransition;
18 protected $ajaxLoader = "<div class=\"ui active centered inline text loader\">Loading</div>";
20 abstract public function getUrl($url);
22 abstract public function _add_event($element, $js, $event, $preventDefault = false, $stopPropagation = false, $immediatly = true, $listenerOn = false);
24 abstract public function interval($jsCode, $time, $globalName = null, $immediatly = true);
26 protected function _ajax($method, $url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = []) {
27 if (isset($this->params['ajax'])) {
28 extract($this->params['ajax']);
29 }
30 extract($parameters);
32 $jsCallback = isset($jsCallback) ? $jsCallback : '';
33 $retour = $this->_getAjaxUrl($url, $attr);
34 $originalSelector = $responseElement;
35 $responseElement = $this->_getResponseElement($responseElement);
36 $retour .= "let self=this;\n";
37 $before = isset($before) ? $before : "";
38 $retour .= $before;
39 if ($hasLoader === true && JString::isNotNull($responseElement)) {
40 $this->addLoading($retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader);
41 } elseif ($hasLoader === 'response') {
42 $this->addResponseLoading($retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader);
43 } elseif ($hasLoader === 'internal-x') {
44 $this->addLoading($retour, '$(this).closest(".item, .step")', $ajaxLoader);
45 } elseif ($hasLoader === 'internal') {
46 $retour .= "\n$(this).addClass('loading');";
47 } elseif (\is_string($hasLoader)) {
48 $this->addLoading($retour, $hasLoader, $ajaxLoader);
49 }
50 $ajaxParameters = [
51 "url" => "url",
52 "method" => "'" . \strtoupper($method) . "'"
53 ];
55 $ajaxParameters["async"] = ($async ? "true" : "false");
57 if (isset($params)) {
58 $ajaxParameters["data"] = self::_correctParams($params, $parameters);
59 }
60 if (isset($headers)) {
61 $ajaxParameters["headers"] = $headers;
62 }
63 if ($csrf) {
64 $csrf = (is_string($csrf)) ? $csrf : 'csrf-token';
65 $parameters["beforeSend"] = "jqXHR.setRequestHeader('{$csrf}', $('meta[name=\"{$csrf}\"]').attr('content'));";
66 }
67 if (isset($partial)) {
68 $ajaxParameters["xhr"] = "xhrProvider";
69 $retour .= "let xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();function xhrProvider() {return xhr;};xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if ({let;" . $partial . ";}; };";
70 } elseif (isset($upload)) {
71 $ajaxParameters["xhr"] = "xhrProvider";
72 $retour .= 'let xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();function xhrProvider() {return xhr;};xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(event) {if (event.lengthComputable) {' . $upload . '}}, false);';
73 }
74 $this->createAjaxParameters($ajaxParameters, $parameters);
75 $retour .= "$.ajax({" . $this->implodeAjaxParameters($ajaxParameters) . "}).done(function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {\n";
76 $retour .= $this->_getOnAjaxDone($responseElement, $jqueryDone, $ajaxTransition, $jsCallback, ($historize ? $originalSelector : null)) . "})";
77 if (isset($error)) {
78 $retour .= '.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ){' . $error . '})';
79 }
80 $retour .= '.always(function( dataOrjqXHR, textStatus, jqXHROrerrorThrown ) {' . ($always ?? '') . $this->removeLoader($hasLoader) . '})';
81 $retour .= ";\n";
82 $retour = $this->_addJsCondition($jsCondition, $retour);
83 if ($immediatly) {
84 $this->jquery_code_for_compile[] = $retour;
85 }
86 return $retour;
87 }
89 protected function createAjaxParameters(&$original, $parameters) {
90 $validParameters = [
91 "contentType" => "%value%",
92 "dataType" => "'%value%'",
93 "beforeSend" => "function(jqXHR,settings){%value%}",
94 "complete" => "function(jqXHR){%value%}",
95 "processData" => "%value%"
96 ];
97 foreach ($validParameters as $param => $mask) {
98 if (isset($parameters[$param])) {
99 $original[$param] = \str_replace("%value%", $parameters[$param], $mask);
100 }
101 }
102 }
104 protected function implodeAjaxParameters($ajaxParameters) {
105 $s = '';
106 foreach ($ajaxParameters as $k => $v) {
107 if ($s !== '') {
108 $s .= ',';
109 }
110 if (is_array($v)) {
111 $s .= "'{$k}':{" . self::implodeAjaxParameters($v) . "}";
112 } else {
113 $s .= "'{$k}':{$v}";
114 }
115 }
116 return $s;
117 }
119 protected function _addJsCondition($jsCondition, $jsSource) {
120 if (isset($jsCondition)) {
121 return "if(" . $jsCondition . "){\n" . $jsSource . "\n}";
122 }
123 return $jsSource;
124 }
126 protected function _getAjaxUrl($url, $attr) {
127 $url = $this->_correctAjaxUrl($url);
128 $retour = "let url='" . $url . "';";
129 $slash = "/";
130 if (JString::endswith($url, "/") === true) {
131 $slash = "";
132 }
134 if (JString::isNotNull($attr)) {
135 if ($attr === "value") {
136 $retour .= "url=url+'" . $slash . "'+$(this).val();\n";
137 } elseif ($attr === "html") {
138 $retour .= "url=url+'" . $slash . "'+$(this).html();\n";
139 } elseif (\substr($attr, 0, 3) === "js:") {
140 $retour .= "url=url+'" . $slash . "'+" . \substr($attr, 3) . ";\n";
141 } elseif ($attr !== null && $attr !== "") {
142 $retour .= "let elmUrl=$(this).attr('" . $attr . "')||'';";
143 $retour .= "url=!(new RegExp('^((http|https|ftp):\/\/)')).test(elmUrl)?url+'" . $slash . "'+elmUrl:elmUrl;\n";
144 }
145 }
146 return $retour;
147 }
149 protected function onPopstate() {
150 return "window.onpopstate = function(e){if(e.state){let target=e.state.jqueryDone;$(e.state.selector)[target](e.state.html);}};";
151 }
153 protected function autoActiveLinks($previousURL = "window.location.href") {
154 $result = "\nif (typeof getHref !== 'function'){function getHref(url) { return \$('a').filter(function(){return \$(this).prop('href') == url; });}}";
155 $result .= "\nlet myurl={$previousURL};if(window._previousURL) getHref(window._previousURL).removeClass('active');getHref(myurl).addClass('active');window._previousURL=myurl;";
156 return $result;
157 }
159 protected function _getOnAjaxDone($responseElement, $jqueryDone, $ajaxTransition, $jsCallback, $history = null) {
160 $retour = "";
161 $call = null;
162 if (JString::isNotNull($responseElement)) {
163 if (isset($ajaxTransition)) {
164 $call = $this->setAjaxDataCall($ajaxTransition);
165 } elseif (isset($this->ajaxTransition)) {
166 $call = $this->ajaxTransition;
167 }
168 if (\is_callable($call))
169 $retour = "\t" . $call($responseElement, $jqueryDone) . ";\n";
170 else
171 $retour = "\t{$responseElement}.{$jqueryDone}( data );\n";
172 }
173 if (isset($history)) {
174 if ($this->params["autoActiveLinks"]) {
175 $retour .= $this->autoActiveLinks("url");
176 }
177 $retour .= "\nwindow.history.pushState({'html':data,'selector':" . Javascript::prep_value($history) . ",'jqueryDone':'{$jqueryDone}'},'', url);";
178 }
179 $retour .= "\t" . $jsCallback . "\n";
180 return $retour;
181 }
183 protected function removeLoader($hasLoader) {
184 if ($hasLoader === true) {
185 return "\n$('body').find('.ajax-loader').remove();";
186 }
187 if ($hasLoader === 'internal') {
188 return "\n$(self).removeClass('loading');";
189 }
190 if ($hasLoader === 'internal-x') {
191 return "\n$(self).children('.ajax-loader').remove();";
192 }
193 return "\n$('body').find('.loading').removeClass('loading');";
194 }
196 protected function _getResponseElement($responseElement) {
197 if (JString::isNotNull($responseElement)) {
198 $responseElement = Javascript::prep_jquery_selector($responseElement);
199 }
200 return $responseElement;
201 }
203 protected function _getFormElement($formElement) {
204 if (JString::isNotNull($formElement)) {
205 $formElement = Javascript::prep_value($formElement);
206 }
207 return $formElement;
208 }
210 protected function _correctAjaxUrl($url) {
211 if ($url !== "/" && JString::endsWith($url, "/") === true)
212 $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);
213 if (strncmp($url, 'http://', 7) != 0 && strncmp($url, 'https://', 8) != 0) {
214 $url = $this->getUrl($url);
215 }
216 return $url;
217 }
219 public static function _correctParams($params, $ajaxParameters = []) {
220 if (JString::isNull($params)) {
221 return "";
222 }
223 if (\preg_match("@^\{.*?\}$@", $params)) {
224 if (! isset($ajaxParameters['contentType']) || ! JString::contains($ajaxParameters['contentType'], 'json')) {
225 return '$.param(' . $params . ')';
226 } else {
227 return 'JSON.stringify(' . $params . ')';
228 }
229 }
230 return $params;
231 }
233 public static function _implodeParams($parameters) {
234 $allParameters = [];
235 foreach ($parameters as $params) {
236 if (isset($params))
237 $allParameters[] = self::_correctParams($params);
238 }
239 return \implode("+'&'+", $allParameters);
240 }
242 protected function addLoading(&$retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader = null) {
243 if (! isset($ajaxLoader)) {
245 }
246 $loading_notifier = '<div class="ajax-loader ui active inverted dimmer">' . $ajaxLoader . '</div>';
247 $retour .= "\t\t{$responseElement}.append('{$loading_notifier}');\n";
248 }
250 protected function addResponseLoading(&$retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader = null) {
251 if (! isset($ajaxLoader)) {
253 }
254 $loading_notifier = '<div class="ajax-loader">' . $ajaxLoader . '</div>';
255 $retour .= "{$responseElement}.empty();\n";
256 $retour .= "\t\t{$responseElement}.prepend('{$loading_notifier}');\n";
257 }
259 protected function setAjaxDataCall($params) {
260 $result = null;
261 if (! \is_callable($params)) {
262 $result = function ($responseElement, $jqueryDone = 'html') use ($params) {
263 return AjaxTransition::{$params}($responseElement, $jqueryDone);
264 };
265 }
266 return $result;
267 }
269 protected function setDefaultParameters(&$parameters, $default) {
270 foreach ($default as $k => $v) {
271 if (! isset($parameters[$k]))
272 $parameters[$k] = $v;
273 }
274 }
276 public function setAjaxLoader($loader) {
277 $this->ajaxLoader = $loader;
278 }
288 private function _get($url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = []) {
289 return $this->_ajax('get', $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
290 }
302 public function get($url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = []) {
303 $parameters['immediatly'] = true;
304 return $this->_get($url, $responseElement, $parameters);
305 }
319 public function ajax($method, $url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = []) {
320 $parameters['immediatly'] = true;
321 return $this->_ajax($method, $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
322 }
342 public function ajaxInterval($method, $url, $interval, $globalName = null, $responseElement = '', $parameters = [], $immediatly = true) {
343 return $this->interval($this->ajaxDeferred($method, $url, $responseElement, $parameters), $interval, $globalName, $immediatly);
344 }
358 public function ajaxDeferred($method, $url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = []) {
359 $parameters['immediatly'] = false;
360 return $this->_ajax($method, $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
361 }
373 private function _json($url, $method = "get", $parameters = []) {
374 $parameters = \array_merge($parameters, [
375 "hasLoader" => false
376 ]);
377 $jsCallback = isset($parameters['jsCallback']) ? $parameters['jsCallback'] : "";
378 $context = isset($parameters['context']) ? $parameters['context'] : "document";
379 $retour = "\tdata=($.isPlainObject(data))?data:JSON.parse(data);\t" . $jsCallback . ";" . "\n\tfor(var key in data){" . "if($('#'+key," . $context . ").length){ if($('#'+key," . $context . ").is('[value]')) { $('#'+key," . $context . ").val(data[key]);} else { $('#'+key," . $context . ").html(data[key]); }}};\n";
380 $retour .= "\t$(document).trigger('jsonReady',[data]);\n";
381 $parameters["jsCallback"] = $retour;
382 return $this->_ajax($method, $url, null, $parameters);
383 }
395 public function json($url, $method = "get", $parameters = []) {
396 return $this->_json($url, $method, $parameters);
397 }
411 public function jsonOn($event, $element, $url, $method = 'get', $parameters = array()) {
412 $this->setDefaultParameters($parameters, [
413 'preventDefault' => true,
414 'stopPropagation' => true,
415 'immediatly' => true,
416 'listenerOn' => false
417 ]);
418 return $this->_add_event($element, $this->jsonDeferred($url, $method, $parameters), $event, $parameters["preventDefault"], $parameters["stopPropagation"], $parameters["immediatly"], $parameters['listenerOn']);
419 }
431 public function jsonDeferred($url, $method = 'get', $parameters = []) {
432 $parameters['immediatly'] = false;
433 return $this->_json($url, $method, $parameters);
434 }
447 private function _jsonArray($maskSelector, $url, $method = 'get', $parameters = []) {
448 $parameters = \array_merge($parameters, [
449 "hasLoader" => false
450 ]);
451 $rowClass = isset($parameters['rowClass']) ? $parameters['rowClass'] : "_json";
452 $jsCallback = isset($parameters['jsCallback']) ? $parameters['jsCallback'] : "";
453 $context = isset($parameters['context']) ? $parameters['context'] : null;
454 if ($context === null) {
455 $parent = "$('" . $maskSelector . "').parent()";
456 $newElm = "$('#'+newId)";
457 } else {
458 $parent = $context;
459 $newElm = $context . ".find('#'+newId)";
460 }
461 $appendTo = "\t\tnewElm.appendTo(" . $parent . ");\n";
462 $retour = $parent . ".find('.{$rowClass}').remove();";
463 $retour .= "\tdata=($.isPlainObject(data)||$.isArray(data))?data:JSON.parse(data);\n$.each(data, function(index, value) {\n" . "\tlet created=false;let maskElm=$('" . $maskSelector . "').first();maskElm.hide();" . "\tlet newId=(maskElm.attr('id') || 'mask')+'-'+index;" . "\tlet newElm=" . $newElm . ";\n" . "\tif(!newElm.length){\n" . "\t\tnewElm=maskElm.clone();
464 newElm.attr('id',newId);\n;newElm.addClass('{$rowClass}').removeClass('_jsonArrayModel');\nnewElm.find('[id]').each(function(){ let newId=$(this).attr('id')+'-'+index;$(this).attr('id',newId).removeClass('_jsonArrayChecked');});\n";
465 $retour .= $appendTo;
466 $retour .= "\t}\n" . "\tfor(var key in value){\n" . "\t\t\tlet html = $('<div />').append($(newElm).clone()).html();\n" . "\t\t\tif(html.indexOf('__'+key+'__')>-1){\n" . "\t\t\t\tcontent=$(html.split('__'+key+'__').join(value[key]));\n" . "\t\t\t\t$(newElm).replaceWith(content);newElm=content;\n" . "\t\t\t}\n" . "\t\tlet sel='[data-id=\"'+key+'\"]';if($(sel,newElm).length){\n" . "\t\t\tlet selElm=$(sel,newElm);\n" . "\t\t\t if('[value]')) { selElm.attr('value',value[key]);selElm.val(value[key]);} else { selElm.html(value[key]); }\n" . "\t\t}\n" . "}\n" . "\t$(newElm).show(true);" . "\n" . "\t$(newElm).removeClass('hide');" . "});\n";
467 $retour .= "\t$(document).trigger('jsonReady',[data]);\n";
468 $retour .= "\t" . $jsCallback;
469 $parameters["jsCallback"] = $retour;
470 return $this->_ajax($method, $url, null, $parameters);
471 }
484 public function jsonArray($maskSelector, $url, $method = 'get', $parameters = []) {
485 return $this->_jsonArray($maskSelector, $url, $method, $parameters);
486 }
499 public function jsonArrayDeferred($maskSelector, $url, $method = 'get', $parameters = []) {
500 $parameters['immediatly'] = false;
501 return $this->jsonArray($maskSelector, $url, $method, $parameters);
502 }
516 public function jsonArrayOn($event, $element, $maskSelector, $url, $method = 'get', $parameters = array()) {
517 $this->setDefaultParameters($parameters, [
518 'preventDefault' => true,
519 'stopPropagation' => true,
520 'immediatly' => true,
521 'listenerOn' => false
522 ]);
523 return $this->_add_event($element, $this->jsonArrayDeferred($maskSelector, $url, $method, $parameters), $event, $parameters["preventDefault"], $parameters["stopPropagation"], $parameters["immediatly"], $parameters['listenerOn']);
524 }
537 public function getDeferred($url, $responseElement = "", $parameters = []) {
538 $parameters['immediatly'] = false;
539 return $this->_get($url, $responseElement, $parameters);
540 }
557 public function getOn($event, $element, $url, $responseElement = "", $parameters = array()) {
558 $parameters['method'] = 'get';
559 return $this->ajaxOn($event, $element, $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
560 }
577 public function ajaxOn($event, $element, $url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = array()) {
578 $this->setDefaultParameters($parameters, [
579 'preventDefault' => true,
580 'stopPropagation' => true,
581 'immediatly' => true,
582 'method' => 'get',
583 'listenerOn' => false
584 ]);
585 return $this->_add_event($element, $this->ajaxDeferred($parameters['method'], $url, $responseElement, $parameters), $event, $parameters["preventDefault"], $parameters["stopPropagation"], $parameters["immediatly"], $parameters['listenerOn']);
586 }
601 public function ajaxOnClick($element, $url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = array()) {
602 return $this->ajaxOn('click', $element, $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
603 }
618 public function getOnClick($element, $url, $responseElement = '', $parameters = array()) {
619 return $this->getOn('click', $element, $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
620 }
633 public function getHref($element, $responseElement = "", $parameters = array()) {
634 $parameters['attr'] = 'href';
635 if (JString::isNull($responseElement)) {
636 $responseElement = '%$(self).attr("data-target")%';
637 } else {
638 $responseElement = '%$(self).attr("data-target") || "' . $responseElement . '"%';
639 }
640 if (! isset($parameters['historize'])) {
641 $parameters['historize'] = true;
642 }
643 if (! isset($parameters['jsCallback'])) {
644 $parameters['jsCallback'] = 'let event = jQuery.Event( "getHref" );event.url = url;$(self).trigger(event);';
645 }
646 return $this->getOnClick($element, "", $responseElement, $parameters);
647 }
660 public function postHref($element, $responseElement = "", $parameters = array()) {
661 $parameters['attr'] = 'href';
662 if (JString::isNull($responseElement)) {
663 $responseElement = '%$(this).attr("data-target")%';
664 } else {
665 $responseElement = '%$(self).attr("data-target") || "' . $responseElement . '"%';
666 }
667 if (! isset($parameters['historize'])) {
668 $parameters['historize'] = true;
669 }
670 return $this->postOnClick($element, '', '{}', $responseElement, $parameters);
671 }
684 public function postFormAction($element, $responseElement = "", $parameters = array()) {
685 $parameters['attr'] = 'action';
686 if (JString::isNull($responseElement)) {
687 $responseElement = '%$(self).attr("data-target")%';
688 } else {
689 $responseElement = '%$(self).attr("data-target") || "' . $responseElement . '"%';
690 }
691 $formId = '%$(this).attr("id")%';
692 if (! isset($parameters['historize'])) {
693 $parameters['historize'] = true;
694 }
695 $parameters['preventDefault'] = true;
696 if (! isset($parameters['hasLoader'])) {
697 $parameters['hasLoader'] = '$(self).find("button, input[type=submit], input[type=button]")';
698 }
699 if (! isset($parameters['jsCallback'])) {
700 $parameters['jsCallback'] = 'let event = jQuery.Event( "postFormAction" );event.params = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(params));$(self).trigger(event);';
701 }
702 return $this->postFormOn('submit', $element, '', $formId, $responseElement, $parameters);
703 }
705 private function _post($url, $params = '{}', $responseElement = '', $parameters = []) {
706 $parameters['params'] = $params;
707 return $this->_ajax('POST', $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
708 }
722 public function post($url, $params = "{}", $responseElement = "", $parameters = []) {
723 $parameters['immediatly'] = true;
724 return $this->_post($url, $params, $responseElement, $parameters);
725 }
740 public function postDeferred($url, $params = "{}", $responseElement = "", $parameters = []) {
741 $parameters['immediatly'] = false;
742 return $this->_post($url, $params, $responseElement, $parameters);
743 }
760 public function postOn($event, $element, $url, $params = "{}", $responseElement = "", $parameters = array()) {
761 $parameters['method'] = 'post';
762 $parameters['params'] = $params;
763 return $this->ajaxOn($event, $element, $url, $responseElement, $parameters);
764 }
780 public function postOnClick($element, $url, $params = '{}', $responseElement = '', $parameters = array()) {
781 return $this->postOn('click', $element, $url, $params, $responseElement, $parameters);
782 }
784 private function _postForm($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters = []) {
785 if (isset($this->params['ajax'])) {
786 extract($this->params['ajax']);
787 }
788 $params = '{}';
789 $validation = false;
790 \extract($parameters);
791 $async = ($async) ? 'true' : 'false';
792 $jsCallback = isset($jsCallback) ? $jsCallback : "";
793 $retour = $this->_getAjaxUrl($url, $attr);
794 $form = $this->_getFormElement($form);
795 $retour .= "\n$('#'+" . $form . ").trigger('ajaxSubmit');";
796 if (! isset($contentType) || $contentType != 'false') {
797 $retour .= "\nlet params=$('#'+" . $form . ").serialize();\n";
798 if (isset($params)) {
799 $retour .= "params+='&'+" . self::_correctParams($params) . ";\n";
800 }
801 } else {
802 $retour .= "\nlet params=new FormData($('#'+" . $form . ")[0]);\n";
803 }
804 $responseElement = $this->_getResponseElement($responseElement);
805 $retour .= "let self=this;\n";
806 $before = isset($before) ? $before : "";
807 $retour .= $before;
808 if ($hasLoader === true) {
809 $this->addLoading($retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader);
810 } elseif ($hasLoader === 'response') {
811 $this->addResponseLoading($retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader);
812 } elseif ($hasLoader === 'internal-x') {
813 $this->addLoading($retour, '$(this).closest(".item, .step")', $ajaxLoader);
814 } elseif ($hasLoader === 'internal') {
815 $retour .= "\n$(this).addClass('loading');";
816 } elseif (\is_string($hasLoader)) {
817 $retour .= "\n$hasLoader.addClass('loading');";
818 }
819 $ajaxParameters = [
820 "url" => "url",
821 "method" => "'POST'",
822 "data" => "params",
823 "async" => $async
824 ];
825 if (isset($headers)) {
826 $ajaxParameters["headers"] = $headers;
827 }
828 if (isset($partial)) {
829 $ajaxParameters["xhr"] = "xhrProvider";
830 $retour .= "let xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();function xhrProvider() {return xhr;};xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if ({let;" . $partial . ";}; };";
831 }
832 $this->createAjaxParameters($ajaxParameters, $parameters);
833 $retour .= "$.ajax({" . $this->implodeAjaxParameters($ajaxParameters) . "}).done(function( data ) {\n";
834 $retour .= $this->_getOnAjaxDone($responseElement, $jqueryDone, $ajaxTransition, $jsCallback) . "})";
835 if (isset($error)) {
836 $retour .= '.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ){' . $error . '})';
837 }
838 $retour .= '.always(function( dataOrjqXHR, textStatus, jqXHROrerrorThrown ) {' . ($always ?? '') . $this->removeLoader($hasLoader) . '})';
839 $retour .= ";\n";
840 if ($validation) {
841 $retour = "$('#'+" . $form . ").validate({submitHandler: function(form) {
842 " . $retour . "
843 }});\n";
844 $retour .= "$('#'+" . $form . ").submit();\n";
845 }
846 $retour = $this->_addJsCondition($jsCondition, $retour);
847 if ($immediatly)
848 $this->jquery_code_for_compile[] = $retour;
849 return $retour;
850 }
864 public function postForm($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters = []) {
865 $parameters['immediatly'] = true;
866 return $this->_postForm($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters);
867 }
882 public function postFormDeferred($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters = []) {
883 $parameters['immediatly'] = false;
884 return $this->_postForm($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters);
885 }
900 public function postFormOn($event, $element, $url, $form, $responseElement = "", $parameters = array()) {
901 $this->setDefaultParameters($parameters, [
902 'preventDefault' => true,
903 'stopPropagation' => true,
904 'immediatly' => true,
905 'listenerOn' => false
906 ]);
907 return $this->_add_event($element, $this->postFormDeferred($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters), $event, $parameters["preventDefault"], $parameters["stopPropagation"], $parameters["immediatly"], $parameters['listenerOn']);
908 }
922 public function postFormOnClick($element, $url, $form, $responseElement = "", $parameters = array()) {
923 return $this->postFormOn("click", $element, $url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters);
924 }
926 public function addCsrf($name = 'csrf-token') {
927 return "
928 $.ajaxSetup({
929 beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
930 let csrfSafeMethod=function(method) { return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS)$/.test(method));};
931 if (!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
932 xhr.setRequestHeader('{$name}', $('meta[name=\"{$name}\"]').attr('content'));
933 }
934 }
935 });";
936 }
postDeferred($url, $params="{}", $responseElement="", $parameters=[])
Prepares a delayed ajax POST to use on an event.
jsonDeferred($url, $method='get', $parameters=[])
Prepares an ajax request delayed and receives the JSON data types by assigning DOM elements with the ...
setDefaultParameters(&$parameters, $default)
postHref($element, $responseElement="", $parameters=array())
Uses an hyperlink to make an ajax get request.
getOnClick($element, $url, $responseElement='', $parameters=array())
Performs a get to $url on the click event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
postFormOnClick($element, $url, $form, $responseElement="", $parameters=array())
Performs a post form with ajax in response to the click event on $element display the result in $resp...
ajaxOn($event, $element, $url, $responseElement='', $parameters=array())
Performs an ajax request to $url on the event $event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
_jsonArray($maskSelector, $url, $method='get', $parameters=[])
Performs an ajax request and receives the JSON array data types by assigning DOM elements with the sa...
ajaxInterval($method, $url, $interval, $globalName=null, $responseElement='', $parameters=[], $immediatly=true)
Executes an ajax query at regular intervals.
getDeferred($url, $responseElement="", $parameters=[])
Prepares a Get ajax request for using on an event.
getHref($element, $responseElement="", $parameters=array())
Uses an hyperlink to make an ajax get request.
static _correctParams($params, $ajaxParameters=[])
_addJsCondition($jsCondition, $jsSource)
ajaxDeferred($method, $url, $responseElement='', $parameters=[])
Performs a deferred ajax request.
ajaxOnClick($element, $url, $responseElement='', $parameters=array())
Performs a get to $url on the click event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
_ajax($method, $url, $responseElement='', $parameters=[])
jsonArray($maskSelector, $url, $method='get', $parameters=[])
Performs an ajax request and receives the JSON array data types by assigning DOM elements with the sa...
postFormAction($element, $responseElement="", $parameters=array())
Uses a form action to make an ajax post request.
jsonOn($event, $element, $url, $method='get', $parameters=array())
Makes an ajax request and receives the JSON data types by assigning DOM elements with the same name w...
_postForm($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters=[])
postFormDeferred($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters=[])
Performs a delayed post form with ajax For use on an event.
_add_event($element, $js, $event, $preventDefault=false, $stopPropagation=false, $immediatly=true, $listenerOn=false)
createAjaxParameters(&$original, $parameters)
postOn($event, $element, $url, $params="{}", $responseElement="", $parameters=array())
Performs a post to $url on the event $event fired on $element and pass the parameters $params Display...
_getOnAjaxDone($responseElement, $jqueryDone, $ajaxTransition, $jsCallback, $history=null)
jsonArrayDeferred($maskSelector, $url, $method='get', $parameters=[])
Peforms an ajax request delayed and receives a JSON array data types by copying and assigning them to...
addResponseLoading(&$retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader=null)
post($url, $params="{}", $responseElement="", $parameters=[])
Makes an ajax post.
interval($jsCode, $time, $globalName=null, $immediatly=true)
_post($url, $params='{}', $responseElement='', $parameters=[])
addLoading(&$retour, $responseElement, $ajaxLoader=null)
postFormOn($event, $element, $url, $form, $responseElement="", $parameters=array())
Performs a post form with ajax in response to an event $event on $element display the result in $resp...
ajax($method, $url, $responseElement='', $parameters=[])
Performs an ajax request.
_get($url, $responseElement='', $parameters=[])
Performs an ajax GET request.
postOnClick($element, $url, $params='{}', $responseElement='', $parameters=array())
Performs a post to $url on the click event fired on $element and pass the parameters $params Display ...
getOn($event, $element, $url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array())
Performs a get to $url on the event $event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
postForm($url, $form, $responseElement, $parameters=[])
Performs a post form with ajax.
_json($url, $method="get", $parameters=[])
Performs an ajax request and receives the JSON data types by assigning DOM elements with the same nam...
jsonArrayOn($event, $element, $maskSelector, $url, $method='get', $parameters=array())
Performs an ajax request and receives the JSON array data types by assigning DOM elements with the sa...
json($url, $method="get", $parameters=[])
Performs an ajax request and receives the JSON data types by assigning DOM elements with the same nam...