5use Ajax\semantic\widgets\datatable\DataTable;
beforeLoadView($viewName, &$vars)
onConfDeleteMultipleMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $data)
onNewInstance(object $instance)
Triggered when a new instance is created before rendering in the form.
onSuccessUpdateMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $instance)
Returns the message displayed when an instance is added or inserted.
onDisplayElements($dataTable, $objects, $refresh)
Triggered after displaying objects in dataTable.
onBeforeUpdate(object $instance, bool $isNew)
Triggered before the instance updating (insert or update).
onErrorDeleteMultipleMessage(CRUDMessage $message)
onConfDeleteMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $instance)
Returns the confirmation message displayed before deleting an instance.
onNotFoundMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $ids)
Returns the message displayed when an instance does not exist.
onSuccessDeleteMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $instance)
Returns the message displayed after a deletion.
onSuccessDeleteMultipleMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $instance)
onErrorUpdateMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $instance)
Returns the message displayed when an error occurred when updating or inserting.
onBeforeUpdateRequest(array &$requestValues, bool $isNew)
Triggered before the instance updating, for POST values updating (insert or update).
onErrorDeleteMessage(CRUDMessage $message, $instance)
Returns the message displayed when an error occurred when deleting.