| __construct ($identifier, $numRows=1, $numCols=NULL, $createCols=true, $implicitRows=false) |
| asSegment () |
| asContainer () |
| setWide ($wide) |
| Defines the grid width (alias for setWidth)
| setWidth ($width) |
| Defines the grid width.
| addRow ($colsCount=NULL) |
| Adds a row with $colsCount columns.
| addCol ($width=NULL) |
| Adds a col.
| addCols ($sizes=array()) |
| setRowsCount ($rowsCount, $colsCount=NULL, $force=false) |
| Create $rowsCount rows.
| setColsCount ($numCols, $toCreate=true, $width=NULL) |
| Defines the number of columns in the grid.
| getRow ($index) |
| return the row at $index
| getItem ($index) |
| rowCount () |
| Returns the row count.
| colCount () |
| Returns the column count.
| getCell ($row, $col) |
| Returns the cell (HtmlGridCol) at position $row,$col.
| setDivided ($vertically=false) |
| Adds dividers between columns ($vertically=false) or between rows ($vertically=true)
| setCelled ($internally=false) |
| Divides rows into cells.
| setCentered () |
| A grid can have its columns centered.
| setEqualWidth () |
| automatically resize all elements to split the available width evenly
| setPadded ($value=NULL) |
| Adds vertical or/and horizontal gutters.
| setRelaxed ($very=false) |
| setVerticalAlignment ($value=VerticalAlignment::MIDDLE) |
| setValues ($values, $force=true) |
| Sets $values to the grid.
| setColWidth ($numCol, $width) |
| setStretched () |
| stretch the row contents to take up the entire column height
| addDivider ($afterColIndex, $vertical=true, $content=NULL) |
| Adds a divider after the specified col.
| __construct ( $identifier, $tagName="div", $baseClass="") |
| run (JsUtils $js) |
| - Parameters
- Returns
- SimpleExtComponent
- See also
- \Ajax\common\html\BaseHtmlrun()
- See also
- \Ajax\common\html\BaseHtmlrun()
| __construct ($identifier, $tagName="div") |
| addItems ($items) |
| setItems ($items) |
| getItems () |
| addItem ($item) |
| adds and returns an item
| insertItem ($item, $position=0) |
| setItem ($index, $value) |
| removeItem ($index) |
| count () |
| fromDatabaseObject ($object, $function) |
| apply ($callBack) |
| fromArray ($array) |
| setProperties ($properties) |
| setPropertyValues ($property, $values) |
| Sets the values of a property for each item in the collection.
| addPropertyValues ($property, $values) |
| Adds the values of a property for each item in the collection.
| compile (JsUtils $js=NULL, &$view=NULL) |
| getItemById ($identifier) |
| asLinks ($hrefs=[], $target=NUll) |
| splice ($offset, $length=null) |
| Remove a portion of the items array and replace it with something else.
| setContent ($content) |
| getContent () |
| addContent ($content, $before=false) |
| setValue ($value) |
| wrapContent ($before, $after="") |
| wrapWith (HtmlDoubleElement $container) |
| Wraps the element with a container.
| getContentInstances ($class) |
| asLink ($href=NULL, $target=NULL) |
| Transforms the element into a link.
| getTextContent () |
| asEditable (HtmlFormField $field, $asForm=false, $setValueProperty="val()") |
| setClass ($classNames) |
| addClass ($classNames) |
| setRole ($value) |
| setTitle ($value) |
| setStyle ($value) |
| setSize ($size) |
| getTagName () |
| setTagName ($tagName) |
| fromDatabaseObjects ($objects, $function) |
| wrap ($before, $after="") |
| getElementById ($identifier, $elements) |
| getBsComponent () |
| setBsComponent ($bsComponent) |
| setDraggable ($attr="id", $dropZone=null, $parameters=[]) |
| Sets the element draggable, and eventualy defines the dropzone (HTML5 drag and drop)
| asDropZone ($jsCallback="", $jqueryDone="append", $parameters=[]) |
| Declares the element as a drop zone (HTML5 drag and drop)
| asFileDropZone ($responseElement=null, $url=null, $progress=null, $jsCallback="", $parameters=[]) |
| Declares the element as a drop zone for file uploading (HTML5 drag and drop)
| __toString () |
| onPostCompile ($callback) |
| onPreCompile ($callback) |
| __construct ($identifier) |
| getIdentifier () |
| setIdentifier ($identifier) |
| getLibraryId () |
| setLibraryId ($_libraryId) |
| addEvent ($event, $jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=false) |
| trigger ($event, $params="[]") |
| jsTrigger ($event, $params="[this]") |
| _addEvent ($event, $jsCode) |
| on ($event, $jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=false) |
| onClick ($jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=true) |
| setClick ($jsCode) |
| onCreate ($jsCode) |
| addEventsOnRun (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| _ajaxOn ($operation, $event, $url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| getOn ($event, $url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a get to $url on the event $event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| getOnClick ($url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a get to $url on the click event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| postOn ($event, $url, $params="{}", $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post to $url on the event $event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| postOnClick ($url, $params="{}", $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post to $url on the click event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| postFormOn ($event, $url, $form, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post form with ajax.
| postFormOnClick ($url, $form, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post form with ajax on click.
| jsDoJquery ($jqueryCall, $param="") |
| executeOnRun ($jsCode) |
| jsHtml ($content="") |
| jsShow () |
| jsHide () |
| jsToggle ($value) |
| getEvents () |
| getProperties () |
| setProperty ($name, $value) |
| getProperty ($name) |
| addToProperty ($name, $value, $separator=" ") |
| addProperties ($properties) |
| removePropertyValue ($name, $value) |
| addToPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToPropertyCtrlCheck ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| removeProperty ($name) |
| propertyContains ($propertyName, $value) |
| addToProperty ($name, $value, $separator=" ") |
| setProperty ($name, $value) |
| addContent ($content, $before=false) |
| onCreate ($jsCode) |
| addVariation ($variation) |
| addState ($state) |
| setVariation ($variation) |
| setVariations ($variations) |
| setState ($state) |
| addVariations ($variations=array()) |
| addStates ($states=array()) |
| setStates ($states) |
| addIcon ($icon, $before=true) |
| addSticky ($context="body") |
| setSize ($size) |
| setDisabled ($disable=true) |
| show it is currently unable to be interacted with
| setColor ($color) |
| setFluid () |
| asHeader () |
| setActive ($value=true) |
| show it is currently the active user selection
| setAttached ($value=true) |
| setInverted ($recursive=true) |
| can be formatted to appear on dark backgrounds
| setCircular () |
| setFloated ($direction="right") |
| floatRight () |
| floatLeft () |
| getBaseClass () |
| getVariations () |
| getStates () |
| addToPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| setTextAlignment ($value=TextAlignment::LEFT) |
| textCenterAligned () |
| textJustified () |
| textRightAligned () |
| textLeftAligned () |
| hasOnlyCols ($count) |
| createItem ($value) |
| The item factory.- Parameters
| getItemToAdd ($item) |
| setItemIdentifier ($item, $classname, $index) |
| createCondition ($value) |
| contentAs ($tagName) |
| _getContentInstances ($class, $content) |
| compile_once (\Ajax\JsUtils $js=NULL, &$view=NULL) |
| {}
| getTemplate (JsUtils $js=NULL, $view=null) |
| ctrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| setMemberCtrl (&$name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToMemberUnique (&$name, $value, $typeCtrl, $separator=" ") |
| addToMemberCtrl (&$name, $value, $typeCtrl, $separator=" ") |
| addToMember (&$name, $value, $separator=' ') |
| removeOldValues (&$oldValue, $allValues) |
| _getElementBy ($callback, $elements) |
| setWrapBefore ($wrapBefore) |
| setWrapAfter ($wrapAfter) |
| compile_once (JsUtils $js=NULL, &$view=NULL) |
| cleanIdentifier ($id) |
| _eventsOnCreate (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| removePropertyValues ($name, $values) |
| addToPropertyUnique ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| setPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| getElementByPropertyValue ($propertyName, $value, $elements) |
| setPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToPropertyCtrlCheck ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addBehavior (&$array, $key, $value, $before="", $after="") |