| __construct ($identifier, $model, $modelInstance=NULL) |
| run (JsUtils $js) |
| - Parameters
- Returns
- SimpleExtComponent
- See also
- \Ajax\common\html\BaseHtmlrun()
- See also
- \Ajax\common\html\BaseHtmlrun()
- See also
- \Ajax\common\html\BaseHtmlrun()
| refreshTR () |
| refreshTD ($fieldName, $jquery, $view) |
| compile (JsUtils $js=NULL, &$view=NULL) |
| getFieldValue ($index) |
| afterCompile ($index, $callback) |
| Associates a $callback function after the compilation of the field at $index position The $callback function can take the following arguments : $field=>the compiled field, $instance : the active instance of the object, $index: the field position.
| getHtmlComponent () |
| {}
| getUrls () |
| setUrls ($urls) |
| Sets the associative array of urls for refreshing, updating or deleting think of defining the update zone with the setTargetSelector method.
| paginate ($page, $total_rowcount, $items_per_page=10, $pages_visibles=null) |
| Paginates the DataTable element with a Semantic HtmlPaginationMenu component.
| autoPaginate ($page=1, $items_per_page=10, $pages_visibles=4) |
| Auto Paginates the DataTable element with a Semantic HtmlPaginationMenu component.
| refresh ($compileParts=['tbody']) |
| addSearchInToolbar ($position=Direction::RIGHT) |
| Adds a search input in toolbar.
| getSearchField () |
| onNewRow ($callback) |
| The callback function called after the insertion of each row when fromDatabaseObjects is called callback function takes the parameters $row : the row inserted and $object: the instance of model used.
| asForm () |
| Returns a form corresponding to the Datatable.
| setTargetSelector ($_targetSelector) |
| Sets the response element selector for Edit and Delete request with ajax.
| getRefreshSelector () |
| setRefreshSelector ($_refreshSelector) |
| show ($modelInstance) |
| {}
| getRowClass () |
| setRowClass ($_rowClass) |
| Sets the default row class (tr class)
| setEmptyMessage ($_emptyMessage) |
| Sets the message displayed when there is no record.
| setSortable ($colIndex=NULL) |
| setActiveRowSelector ($class="active", $event="click", $multiple=false) |
| getActiveRowClass () |
| hasActiveRowSelector () |
| hideColumn ($colIndex) |
| setColWidth ($colIndex, $width) |
| setColWidths ($_colWidths) |
| setColAlignment ($colIndex, $alignment) |
| trigger ($event, $params="[]") |
| onActiveRowChange ($jsCode) |
| getDeleteBehavior () |
| getEditBehavior () |
| getDisplayBehavior () |
| setDisplayBehavior ($_displayBehavior) |
| getGroupByFields () |
| setGroupByFields ($_groupByFields) |
| addGroupBy ($index) |
| setVisibleHover ($_visibleHover) |
| getPaginationToolbar () |
| setInverted ($recursive=true) |
| can be formatted to appear on dark backgrounds
| setFocusable (bool $focusable) |
| setFormCaption ($caption) |
| getNamePrefix () |
| setNamePrefix ($namePrefix) |
| getModel () |
| setModel ($_model) |
| getInstanceViewer () |
| setInstanceViewer ($_instanceViewer) |
| setAttached ($value=true) |
| setColor ($color) |
| setCaptions ($captions) |
| setCaption ($index, $caption) |
| setFields ($fields) |
| addField ($field, $key=null) |
| addFields ($fields) |
| countFields () |
| addMessage ($attributes=NULL, $fieldName="message") |
| addErrorMessage () |
| insertField ($index, $field, $key=null) |
| insertInField ($index, $field, $key=null) |
| setValueFunction ($index, $callback) |
| Defines the function which displays the field value.
| setIdentifierFunction ($callback) |
| getToolbar () |
| addInToolbar ($element, $callback=NULL) |
| Adds a new element in toolbar.
| addItemInToolbar ($caption, $icon=NULL, $callback=NULL) |
| addItemsInToolbar (array $items, $callback=NULL) |
| addDropdownInToolbar ($value, $items, $callback=NULL) |
| addButtonInToolbar ($caption, $cssStyle=null, $callback=NULL) |
| addButtonsInToolbar (array $captions, $asIcon=false, $callback=NULL) |
| addLabelledIconButtonInToolbar ($caption, $icon, $before=true, $labeled=false) |
| addSubmitInToolbar ($identifier, $value, $cssStyle=NULL, $url=NULL, $responseElement=NULL, $parameters=NULL) |
| setCaptionCallback ($captionCallback) |
| Defines a callback function to call for modifying captions function parameters 0are.
| setEdition ($_edition=true) |
| Makes the input fields editable.
| setDefaultValueFunction ($defaultValueFunction) |
| Defines the default function which displays fields value.
| getDefaultValueFunction () |
| jsDisabled ($disable=true) |
| addEditButtonInToolbar ($caption, $callback=NULL) |
| setToolbar (HtmlMenu $_toolbar) |
| setToolbarPosition ($_toolbarPosition) |
| getForm () |
| setValidationParams (array $_validationParams) |
| Sets the parameters for the Form validation (on, inline, delay...)
| moveFieldTo ($from, $to) |
| swapFields ($index1, $index2) |
| removeField ($index) |
| asModal ($header=null) |
| addToProperty ($name, $value, $separator=" ") |
| getModelInstance () |
| hasRules () |
| __construct ($identifier, $tagName="p") |
| setContent ($content) |
| getContent () |
| addContent ($content, $before=false) |
| setValue ($value) |
| wrapContent ($before, $after="") |
| wrapWith (HtmlDoubleElement $container) |
| Wraps the element with a container.
| getContentInstances ($class) |
| asLink ($href=NULL, $target=NULL) |
| Transforms the element into a link.
| getTextContent () |
| asEditable (HtmlFormField $field, $asForm=false, $setValueProperty="val()") |
| setClass ($classNames) |
| addClass ($classNames) |
| setRole ($value) |
| setTitle ($value) |
| setStyle ($value) |
| fromArray ($array) |
| setSize ($size) |
| getTagName () |
| setTagName ($tagName) |
| fromDatabaseObjects ($objects, $function) |
| fromDatabaseObject ($object, $function) |
| wrap ($before, $after="") |
| getElementById ($identifier, $elements) |
| getBsComponent () |
| setBsComponent ($bsComponent) |
| setDraggable ($attr="id", $dropZone=null, $parameters=[]) |
| Sets the element draggable, and eventualy defines the dropzone (HTML5 drag and drop)
| asDropZone ($jsCallback="", $jqueryDone="append", $parameters=[]) |
| Declares the element as a drop zone (HTML5 drag and drop)
| asFileDropZone ($responseElement=null, $url=null, $progress=null, $jsCallback="", $parameters=[]) |
| Declares the element as a drop zone for file uploading (HTML5 drag and drop)
| __toString () |
| onPostCompile ($callback) |
| onPreCompile ($callback) |
| __construct ($identifier) |
| getIdentifier () |
| setIdentifier ($identifier) |
| getLibraryId () |
| setLibraryId ($_libraryId) |
| addEvent ($event, $jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=false) |
| jsTrigger ($event, $params="[this]") |
| _addEvent ($event, $jsCode) |
| on ($event, $jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=false) |
| onClick ($jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=true) |
| setClick ($jsCode) |
| onCreate ($jsCode) |
| addEventsOnRun (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| _ajaxOn ($operation, $event, $url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| getOn ($event, $url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a get to $url on the event $event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| getOnClick ($url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a get to $url on the click event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| postOn ($event, $url, $params="{}", $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post to $url on the event $event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| postOnClick ($url, $params="{}", $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post to $url on the click event on $element and display it in $responseElement.
| postFormOn ($event, $url, $form, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post form with ajax.
| postFormOnClick ($url, $form, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| Performs a post form with ajax on click.
| jsDoJquery ($jqueryCall, $param="") |
| executeOnRun ($jsCode) |
| jsHtml ($content="") |
| jsShow () |
| jsHide () |
| jsToggle ($value) |
| getEvents () |
| getProperties () |
| setProperties ($properties) |
| setProperty ($name, $value) |
| getProperty ($name) |
| addProperties ($properties) |
| removePropertyValue ($name, $value) |
| addToPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToPropertyCtrlCheck ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| removeProperty ($name) |
| propertyContains ($propertyName, $value) |
| setPropertyValues ($property, $indexValues) |
| Defines the values for the fields for a property (or html attribute).
| fieldAsProgress ($index, $label=NULL, $attributes=array()) |
| fieldAsRating ($index, $max=5, $icon="") |
| fieldAsLabel ($index, $icon=NULL, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsHeader ($index, $niveau=1, $icon=NULL, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsImage ($index, $size=Size::MINI, $circular=false) |
| fieldAsFlag ($index) |
| fieldAsIcon ($index) |
| fieldAsAvatar ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsRadio ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsRadios ($index, $elements=[], $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsList ($index, $classNames="", $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsInput ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsLabeledInput ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsDataList ($index, ?array $items=[], $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsFile ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsTextarea ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsElement ($index, $tagName="div", $baseClass="", $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsHidden ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsCheckbox ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsDropDown ($index, $elements=[], $multiple=false, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsMessage ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsLink ($index, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldsAs (array $types) |
| Change fields type.
| fieldAs ($index, $type, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsSubmit ($index, $cssStyle=NULL, $url=NULL, $responseElement=NULL, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsButton ($index, $cssStyle=NULL, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsDataTable ($index, $model, $instances=null, $fields=[], $attributes=NULL) |
| setLoading () |
| setState ($state) |
| jsState ($state) |
| submitOn ($event, $identifierOrElement, $url, $responseElement, $parameters=NULL) |
| submitOnClick ($identifier, $url, $responseElement, $parameters=NULL) |
| addSubmit ($identifier, $value, $cssStyle=NULL, $url=NULL, $responseElement=NULL, $parameters=NULL) |
| setSubmitParams ($url, $responseElement=NULL, $parameters=NULL) |
| addReset ($identifier, $value, $cssStyle=NULL) |
| onValid ($jsCode) |
| Callback on each valid field.
| onSuccess ($jsCode) |
| Callback if a form is all valid.
| addExtraFieldRules ($fieldname, $rules) |
| addExtraFieldRule ($fieldname, $type, $prompt=NULL, $value=NULL) |
| setOptional ($fieldname, $optional=true) |
| setActionTarget (string $action, string $target) |
| hookExists ($hookKey) |
| getHook ($hookKey) |
| addHook ($hookKey, $callable) |
| Adds a new Hook.
| execHook ($hookKey,... $variables) |
| Executes the hook with key $hookKey.
| addEvent ($event, $jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=false) |
| getOn ($event, $url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| setCelled () |
| setBasic ($very=false) |
| setCompact ($very=false) |
| setCollapsing () |
| setDefinition () |
| setStructured () |
| setSingleLine () |
| setFixed () |
| setSelectable () |
| setStriped () |
| onRowClick ($jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=false) |
| onRow ($event, $jsCode, $stopPropagation=false, $preventDefault=false) |
| getOnRow ($event, $url, $responseElement="", $parameters=array()) |
| onPageChange ($jsCode) |
| onSearchTerminate ($jsCode) |
| getEventsScript () |
| addEventsOnRun (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| addField ($field, $key=null) |
| insertField ($index, $field, $key=null) |
| insertInField ($index, $field, $key=null) |
| fieldAs ($index, $type, $attributes=NULL) |
| fieldAsSubmit ($index, $cssStyle=NULL, $url=NULL, $responseElement=NULL, $attributes=NULL) |
| Creates a submit button at $index position.
| addFieldButton ($caption, $visibleHover=true, $callback=null) |
| Inserts a new Button for each row.
| addFieldButtons ($buttons, $visibleHover=true, $callback=null) |
| Inserts a new ButtonGroups for each row.
| insertFieldButton ($index, $caption, $visibleHover=true, $callback=null) |
| Inserts a new Button for each row at col $index.
| insertInFieldButton ($index, $caption, $visibleHover=true, $callback=null, $key=null) |
| Inserts a new Button for each row in col at $index.
| addDefaultButton ($icon, $class=null, $visibleHover=true, $callback=null, $key=null) |
| insertDefaultButtonIn ($index, $icon, $class=null, $visibleHover=true, $callback=null, $key=null) |
| addDeleteButton ($visibleHover=true, $deleteBehavior=[], $callback=null) |
| Adds a delete button.
| addEditButton ($visibleHover=true, $editBehavior=[], $callback=null) |
| Adds an edit button.
| addDisplayButton ($visibleHover=true, $displayBehavior=[], $callback=null) |
| Adds a button for displaying an object.
| addEditDeleteButtons ($visibleHover=true, $behavior=[], $callbackEdit=null, $callbackDelete=null) |
| Adds an edit and a delete button.
| addAllButtons ($visibleHover=true, $behavior=[], $callbackDisplay=null, $callbackEdit=null, $callbackDelete=null) |
| Adds an edit and a delete button.
| insertDeleteButtonIn ($index, $visibleHover=true, $deleteBehavior=[], $callback=null) |
| insertEditButtonIn ($index, $visibleHover=true, $editBehavior=[], $callback=null) |
| insertDisplayButtonIn ($index, $visibleHover=true, $displayBehavior=[], $callback=null) |
| getButtonsColumn () |
| setButtons ($_buttons) |
| getButtons () |
| addInToolbar ($element, $callback=NULL) |
| getHasCheckboxes () |
| setHasCheckboxes ($_hasCheckboxes) |
| setCheckedMessage (array $_checkedMessage) |
| Defines the message displayed when checkboxes are checked or unchecked with an associative array 0=>no selection,1=>one item selected, other=>{count} items selected.
| addCountCheckedInToolbar (array $checkedMessage=null, $callback=null) |
| setCheckedClass ($_checkedClass) |
| setCheckedCallback ($checkedCallback) |
| Set the callback function that determines whether the checkbox should be checked for an object.
| addToProperty ($name, $value, $separator=" ") |
| setProperty ($name, $value) |
| addContent ($content, $before=false) |
| onCreate ($jsCode) |
| addVariation ($variation) |
| addState ($state) |
| setVariation ($variation) |
| setVariations ($variations) |
| setState ($state) |
| addVariations ($variations=array()) |
| addStates ($states=array()) |
| setStates ($states) |
| addIcon ($icon, $before=true) |
| addSticky ($context="body") |
| setSize ($size) |
| setDisabled ($disable=true) |
| show it is currently unable to be interacted with
| setColor ($color) |
| setFluid () |
| asHeader () |
| setActive ($value=true) |
| show it is currently the active user selection
| setAttached ($value=true) |
| setCircular () |
| setFloated ($direction="right") |
| floatRight () |
| floatLeft () |
| getBaseClass () |
| getVariations () |
| getStates () |
| _generateBehavior ($op, $params, JsUtils $js) |
| getTable () |
| {}
| compileExtraElements ($table, $captions) |
| _applyStyleAttributes ($table) |
| _hideColumns () |
| _generateHeader (HtmlTable $table, $captions) |
| _generateContent ($table) |
| _generateGroupByRow ($index, $gbField, $table, $fields, &$activeValues, &$uuids) |
| _generateRow ($instance, $fields, &$table, $checkedClass=null, $uuids=null) |
| _generatePagination ($table) |
| _associatePaginationBehavior (JsUtils $js=NULL, $offset=null) |
| _compileSearchFieldBehavior (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| _associateSearchFieldBehavior (JsUtils $js=NULL, $offset=null) |
| _getFieldName ($index) |
| _getFieldCaption ($index) |
| applyToolbarPosition (string $position, $table, $captions=NULL) |
| _setToolbarPosition ($table, $captions=NULL) |
| getTargetSelector ($op) |
| _init ($instanceViewer, $contentKey, $content, $edition) |
| _getIndex ($fieldName) |
| _getFieldIdentifier ($prefix, $name="") |
| runForm (JsUtils $js) |
| _compileForm () |
| _getContentInstances ($class, $content) |
| compile_once (\Ajax\JsUtils $js=NULL, &$view=NULL) |
| {}
| getTemplate (JsUtils $js=NULL, $view=null) |
| ctrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| setMemberCtrl (&$name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToMemberUnique (&$name, $value, $typeCtrl, $separator=" ") |
| addToMemberCtrl (&$name, $value, $typeCtrl, $separator=" ") |
| addToMember (&$name, $value, $separator=' ') |
| removeOldValues (&$oldValue, $allValues) |
| _getElementBy ($callback, $elements) |
| setWrapBefore ($wrapBefore) |
| setWrapAfter ($wrapAfter) |
| compile_once (JsUtils $js=NULL, &$view=NULL) |
| cleanIdentifier ($id) |
| _eventsOnCreate (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| removePropertyValues ($name, $values) |
| addToPropertyUnique ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| setPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| getElementByPropertyValue ($propertyName, $value, $elements) |
| _buttonAsSubmit (BaseHtml &$button, $event, $url, $responseElement=NULL, $parameters=NULL) |
| _applyAttributes (BaseHtml $element, &$attributes, $index, $instance=null) |
| _addRules (HtmlFormField $element, &$attributes) |
| _prepareFormFields (HtmlFormField &$field, $name, &$attributes) |
| _fieldAs ($elementCallback, &$index, $attributes=NULL, $prefix=null) |
| addCompoValidation (Form $compo, HtmlFormField $field) |
| addExtraCompoValidation (Form $compo, FieldValidation $validation) |
| _runValidationParams (Form &$compo, JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| _compileAjaxSubmit ($ajaxSubmit, JsUtils $js=null) |
| _buttonAsSubmit (BaseHtml &$button, $event, $url, $responseElement=NULL, $parameters=NULL) |
| addToPropertyTable ($property, $value) |
| cleanIdentifier ($id) |
| _fieldAs ($elementCallback, &$index, $attributes=NULL, $prefix=null) |
| _visibleOver (BaseHtml $element) |
| _runCheckboxes (JsUtils $js) |
| _getCheckedChange (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| _getCheckedMessageFunction () |
| _getCheckedMessageCall (JsUtils $js=NULL) |
| _generateMainCheckbox (&$captions) |
| _setAllChecked ($checked) |
| getCheckedMessage () |
| setPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToPropertyCtrl ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addToPropertyCtrlCheck ($name, $value, $typeCtrl) |
| addBehavior (&$array, $key, $value, $before="", $after="") |